File a Consumer Complaint

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The Complaint Process

The Consumer Protection Unit of the Attorney General's Office enforces Alaska's consumer protection laws, which are aimed at preventing unfair or deceptive trade practices. Most people, at some point in their lives, will encounter an unscrupulous salesperson, purchase a defective or unsafe product, or will simply feel like they have been taken advantage of.

One means we use to learn about such practices is through consumer complaints filed with our office. If you believe you've been the victim of an unfair or deceptive act or practice, or if you want to report an act or practice that you think is unfair or deceptive, we encourage you to file a consumer complaint. When possible, it is preferable that you try to resolve a dispute before you file a complaint with us. For more information see "How to Handle Your Own Complaint."

In most cases, we attempt to resolve consumer complaints through informal mediation. We also review complaints looking for patterns of unfair or deceptive conduct that may require formal investigation or enforcement actions. We do not act as private attorneys or provide legal representation or advice to consumers. If you want to file a consumer complaint, you can download either the standard consumer complaint form (PDF 697KB) or a motor vehicle complaint form (PDF 870KB)

Instructions and important information

You can call our office if you have any questions at 907-269-5200, or toll free outside Anchorage at 1-888-576-2529.

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