Full and Final Settlement Sample Clauses

Full and Final Settlement. 21.1 This agreement is in full and final settlement of all Union or employee claims relating to employee rights and entitlements. Accordingly, the Union or employees shall not pursue any extra claims, nor take any industrial or protest action concerning any matter explicitly or implicitly dealt with in this agreement.

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Full and Final Settlement. 6. The Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Participant has carefully read this Agreement, that the Participant fully understands the same, and that the Participant is freely and voluntarily executing the same.

Full and Final Settlement. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 4.6(b) of this Schedule B, any compensation paid pursuant to Section 2.1 or Section 3.1 of this Schedule B in the total amount owing thereunder shall be in full and final settlement of any claims, demands and proceedings of Project Co and Hospital as between themselves and of Contractor and Hospital as between themselves and each shall be released from all liability to the other in relation to any breaches or other events leading to the termination of the Construction Contract and the circumstances leading to such breach or termination and Project Co and Hospital as between themselves and Contractor and Hospital as between themselves shall be excluded from all other rights and remedies in respect of any such breach or termination whether in contract, tort, restitution, statute, at common-law or otherwise.

Full and Final Settlement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Agreement, any Termination Compensation determined pursuant to this Article 17.3 shall, once paid, be in full and final settlement of any claim, demand and/or proceedings of the Operator against the Authority, in relation to any misrepresentation, breach and/or termination of this Agreement and the Operator shall be excluded from all other rights and remedies in respect of such misrepresentation, breach and/or termination.

Full and Final Settlement. The Parties intend that the execution and performance of this Agreement shall, as provided above, be effective as a full and final settlement of and shall fully dispose of all claims and issues that Plaintiffs raise against Defendants in the Action. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is fully binding upon them during the life of the Agreement.

Full and Final Settlement. 1.11.1 This Agreement constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, of each Maa-nulth First Nation. Exhaustively Set Out Rights

Full and Final Settlement. 2.4.1 This Agreement constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, in Canada of Yale First Nation.

Full and Final Settlement. This Agreement is contractual, not a mere recital, and is a full and final settlement of any and all claims each party hereto may have against the other and its affiliates on any basis whatsoever, and shall be binding on the each party hereto and their heirs, personal representative(s), estate, successors and assigns.

Full and Final Settlement. 33. The Parties agree that this action is being voluntarily settled after consultation with a mediator and experienced legal counsel and that the terms of this Settlement Agreement were negotiated at arm’s length and in good faith. The Parties intend the Settlement and Settlement Agreement to be a final and complete resolution of the Released Claims. To effectuate that purpose, the Parties agree to reasonably cooperate with one another and use their best efforts to obtain Court approval of the Settlement and this Settlement Agreement. K. Release