Electrical Engineering (BS)

The requirement for the degree is 128 units. A cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) is required for all courses taken at USC as well as all upper-division courses applied toward the major, regardless of the department in which the courses are taken. See also the for undergraduate degrees section.

University Requirements (31 units)

Composition/Writing Requirements (7 units)

General Education (24 units)

Pre-Major Requirements (26 units)

Math Requirement (12 units)

Physics Requirement (12 units)

Engineering (2 units)

Major Requirements (56 units)

Electrical Engineering (40 units)

Free Electives (15 units)

Free elective courses are used to complete the university minimum 128-unit requirement. Students are encouraged to investigate minor options when satisfying this requirement.

Total units: 128

* and is the preferred calculus sequence for electrical engineering students. Students advised to begin with as a prerequisite to have 4 fewer units of free electives in their programs.

**, , and is the preferred sequence for electrical engineering students.

*** Students enrolled in the progressive degree program may take (4) to satisfy this requirement.