High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit

High Pure PCR Template Preparation Kit

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Buffer Set As a prerequisite for RT-PCR or PCR, viral nucleic acids must be isolated from serum, plasma, or cell-culture supernatant.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

High Pure RNA Isolation Kit

High Pure RNA Isolation Kit The High Pure RNA Isolation Kit is designed for the purification of total RNA from cultured cells. Other sample materials, such as blood, yeast, and bacteria require an additional specific pre-lysis treatment, which is described in the protocol section.Due to the integrated DNase digestion step, contamination of the isolated RNA with residual genomic DNA is mostly avoided.In addition, RNA is suited for other techniques, such as northern blotting, RNase protection, and primer extension.Up to 24 samples can be processed simultaneously in approximately 1 hour. Thus, the isolation procedure is less time consuming compared with alternative methods which require extraction with organic solutions, RNA precipitation, or ultracentrifugation.

GLU For general laboratory use.

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit The High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Kit is designed to isolate viral nucleic acids from up to 2.5 mL of mammalian serum, plasma, or whole blood.When using whole blood, total nucleic acids are isolated, including viral nucleic acids.The isolated viral nucleic acids are applied in PCR or RT-PCR directly after elution in PCR-grade water.

GLU For general laboratory use.

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit

High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit The High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit is designed to isolate viral nucleic acids from mammalian serum, plasma, or whole blood.When using whole blood, total nucleic acids are isolated, including viral nucleic acids.The isolated viral nucleic acids are applied in PCR or RT-PCR directly after elution in PCR-grade water.

GLU For general laboratory use.

High Pure Viral RNA Kit

High Pure Viral RNA Kit The High Pure Viral RNA Kit is designed to purify viral RNA for RT-PCR analysis.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Instrument II The LightCycler® 480 Instrument II is a rapid, plate-based, thermal block cycler with integrated real-time, online detection capabilities. Based on a comprehensive improvement of Peltier-based technology incorporated in a silver block, the instrument provides extraordinary well-to-well temperature homogeneity and inter-well, inter-cycle reproducibility. The special arrangement of optical components in the LightCycler® 480 Instrument II ensures uniform collection of signals across the plate and makes analysis independent of the sample position on the plate. The LightCycler® 480 System setup enables the use of all current probe formats (e.g., SYBR Green I, ResoLight dye for high-resolution melting, hydrolysis probes, HybProbe probes, SimpleProbe probes), providing a solution for fast and precise qualitative or quantitative detection of nucleic acids, genotyping, and mutation scanning. Channels and filters can be combined in different ways to allow flexibility in mono-color as well as multiplex assays. The pre-installed LightCycler® 480 Software provides an intuitive, easy-to-navigate user interface for real-time PCR programming, data capture, and data analysis. It facilitates highly versatile and extensive data analysis to study gene expression and genetic variation. The LightCycler® 480 Software enables users to quickly customize the system to meet different application requirements, from basic manual analysis to automated evaluation of data using the software macro feature.

Country Specific Labeling See country-specific product labeling for regulatory status.

LightCycler ® 96 Instrument The LightCycler® 96 Instrument is a real-time PCR system for rapid cycling up to 96 samples. Applications include absolute and relative quantification, qualitative detection, melting curve analysis, high resolution melting and endpoint genotyping. Precise LightCycler® 96 Instrument thermal homogeneity and cycling speed produce accurate and reproducible results in a very short time. The LightCycler® 96 Instrument's optical detection system flexibly detects sequence-dependent probes, such as hydrolysis probes and sequence-independent dyes (i.e., SYBR Green I). Multiplex and multicolor capabilities permit the use of up to four different fluorescent dyes. New innovative LightCycler® 96 Application and Instrument Software creates a simple analysis workflow with easy import and export functions, email notifications after each run, online monitoring flexibility, and server-based network interfacing.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® PCR QC Kit Kit for Quality Control of the LightCycler® PRO or LightCycler® 96 Systems. GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 480 Sealing Foil Adhesive foil to cover LightCycler ® 480 and LightCycler ® PRO reactions in multiwell plates and prevent evaporation or contamination. LightCycler® 480 Sealing Foils are compatible with all types of LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates (i.e., 96- and 384-well, white and clear). They are optically clear to facilitate qPCR and melting curve analysis based on fluorescence analysis.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® RNA Amplification Kit SYBR Green I Easy-to-use Reaction Mix for One-Step RT-PCR, using SYBR Green I with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Ventilation Dust Filter The LightCycler® 480 Ventilation Dust Filter is a replacement part for the LightCycler® 480 Instrument. The dust filter can be easily replaced by the user within a few minutes.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 RNA Master Hydrolysis Probes The kit provides reagents, including an RNA master mix (with buffer, nucleotides, and enzyme), a Mn(OAc)2 stock solution, PCR grade water, and an enhancer solution. The LightCycler® 480 RNA Master Hydrolysis Probes can be used in conjunction with LightCycler® Uracil-DNA Glycosylase, heat-labile, for carry-over prevention during PCR. It provides convenience, high performance, reproducibility, and minimizes contamination risk. Only template RNA, PCR primers, hydrolysis probe, and Mn(OAc)2, need to be added.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® Fluorescein CPG Fluorescein long chain alkylamino Controlled Pore Glass (lcaa CPG, 500 Å) for labeling the 3' terminus of oligonucleotides with Fluorescein.Biochemica - LightCycler™ Hybridization Probes - 1999

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® EvoScript RNA SYBR ® Green I Master The LightCycler® EvoScript RNA SYBR® Green I Master as a 1-vial composition, is designed for sensitive, high-specificity, high-precision one-step RT-qPCR especially for gene expression assays.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 High Resolution Melting Master The LightCycler® 480 High Resolution Melting Master is designed for life science research studies in combination with the LightCycler® 480, or LightCycler® 96 Real-Time PCR System. It is supplied as a ready-to-use 2x concentrated hot start reaction mix. A separate 25 mM MgCl2 Stock Solution, supplied with the master, allows users to easily optimize the Mg2+ concentration. The LightCycler® 480 High Resolution Melting Master can be used in conjunction with LightCycler® Uracil-DNA Glycosylase for carry-over prevention during PCR.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Xenon Lamp The LightCycler® 480 Xenon Lamp is a replacement part for the LightCycler® 480 Instrument. The lamp can be easily replaced by the user within a few minutes.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® Multiplex DNA Master The LightCycler® Multiplex DNA Master is designed for fast, highly sensitive and specific real-time PCR analysis of DNA.The single-vial master mix allows fast and convenient hot start qPCR without the need for upfront polymerase activation incubation. The mix is optimized for use with hydrolysis probes and does not require optimization of MgCl2 concentration.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Probes Master LightCycler® 480 Probes Master is a ready-to-use reaction mix specifically developed for hydrolysis probe-based assays performed in multiwell plates using the LightCycler® 480 Instrument. It contains FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase for hot start PCR, which significantly improves the specificity and sensitivity of PCR by minimizing the formation of nonspecific amplification products.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® Red 610-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester Hydroxysuccinimide ester for labeling the 5' amino terminus of oligonucleotides with LightCycler® Red 610.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Melt Control Mix The LightCycler® 480 Melt Control Mix is designed to check for proper performance of the LightCycler® 480 Instrument thermal block cycler. It is especially used to verify temperature uniformity over the whole multiwell plate during temperature transition steps. This highly sensitive check can distinguish slight deviations in temperature homogeneity before they can impact the real-time PCR assay results.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® FastStart DNA Master PLUS SYBR Green I Easy-to-use Hot Start Reaction Mix for PCR using SYBR Green I with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® EvoScript RNA Probes Master The LightCycler® EvoScript RNA Probes Master as a 1-vial composition, is designed for sensitive, high-specificity, high-precision one-step RT-qPCR especially for gene expression assays.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® RNA Master SYBR Green I Easy-to-use SYBR Green I reaction mix for one-step RT-PCR, using the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® DNA Master HybProbe Easy-to-use reaction mix for PCR, using HybProbe probes with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 SYBR Green I Master The LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master is a one-component hot start reaction mix for PCR. It contains FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase and DNA double-strand-specific SYBR Green I dye for PCR product detection and characterization. Since the mix is provided as an easy-to-use all-in-one master reagent, reaction setup only requires the addition of template DNA and primers. The mix can be used with different types of DNA (e.g., genomic DNA or cDNA), and is suited for high-throughput applications in 96- or 384-well plates on the LightCycler® 480 Instrument.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® Multiplex RNA Virus Master The LightCycler® Multiplex RNA Virus Master is designed for fast, highly sensitive and specific real-time one-step RT-qPCR analysis of viral RNA.The 2-vial composition (separate RT enzyme and qPCR Mix) is ideally suited for use with RT-minus controls. The proprietary reaction buffer allows a fast and convenient hot start RT-qPCR without pre-activation of the Taq DNA Polymerase. The kit is optimized for hydrolysis probes and does not require optimization with MgCl2.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® QC Kit The LightCycler® QC Kit contains all reagents for test runs to verify the correct function of a LightCycler® Carousel-Based System Instrument.The test comprises a blank for evaluation of the fluorimeter offset, Melting Mix for precise determination of temperature accuracy and several replicates of a weak PCR composition for analysis of instrument effects on PCR results.The automated evaluation of raw data with the LightCycler® QC Software results in a detailed report with PASS/FAIL decision. In case of FAIL, the report contains hints for further investigation of a potential instrument malfunction.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe LightCycler® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe is an easy-to-use hot start reaction mix for sensitive PCR applications using HybProbe probes as detection format. It is an ideal master mix for performing quantitative PCR as well as SNP and mutation detection, and can also be used in two-step RT-PCR.LightCycler® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe can also be used with LightCycler® Uracil-DNA Glycosylase to prevent carryover contamination during PCR.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 480 Multiwell Plate 96 white, 4 bar codes LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates 96 are half-skirted, white polypropylene reaction devices supplied with a barcode label on each side of the plate. Their dimensions (inner/outer well geometry) and material are designed to achieve optimal results using the LightCycler® 480 Instrument, 96-well, for reaction volumes from 10 to 100 μl. The plates are supplied without sealing foils.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Control Kit The LightCycler® 480 Control Kit is designed as a tool to confirm real-time PCR and melting curve analysis performance of the LightCycler® 480 Instrument. The kit can be used to verify the LightCycler® 480 System’s speed, accuracy, and intra-well assay reproducibility. SNP analysis with HybProbe probes and quantification with hydrolysis probes in a dual-color setup can both be demonstrated.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® TaqMan ® Master Ready-to-use Hot Start Reaction Mix for PCR, using TaqMan® probes with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 480 Multiwell Plate 384 white, 4 bar codes LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates 384 are full-skirted, white polypropylene reaction devices supplied with a barcoded label on each side of the plate. Their dimensions (inner/outer well geometry) and material are designed to achieve optimal results using the LightCycler® 480 Instrument, 384-well, for reaction volumes from 5 to 20 μl. The plates are supplied without sealing foils.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 ResoLight Dye LightCycler® 480 ResoLight Dye is a generic dye that binds to double-stranded DNA. It can be used at saturating concentrations to achieve highly homogeneous staining of amplicons and measurement of DNA formation in real-time PCR and DNA double-strand dissociation in melting analysis. The LightCycler® 480 ResoLight Dye shows an enhanced sharpness of fluorescent signals with an excitation and emission wavelength similar to fluorescein. This dye can be detected with most of the available real-time PCR instruments, without inhibiting the PCR enzyme.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® Color Compensation Set Ready-to-use solutions for the generation of color compensation files for the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® FastStart DNA Master SYBR Green I Easy-to-use hot start reaction mix for PCR, using SYBR Green I with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Block Kit 96 Silver Easily interchangeable 96-well thermal block cycler unit for the LightCycler ® 480 Instrument. The LightCycler® 480 Instrument is a versatile and customizable PCR device, allowing the use of different, easily interchangeable thermal block cycler units (96-well and 384-well format). The LightCycler® 480 thermal block cycler unit is provided in a storage box which protects the accessory from damage that could occur during transport. The storage box contains the thermal block cycler unit assembled together with the block lid, inside the block cycler loading device.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® Control Kit DNA The LightCycler® Control Kit DNA includes human genomic DNA as the control template, control primers, HybProbe probes and PCR-grade water for performing PCR using the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System. It is designed to confirm PCR performance using LightCycler® Carousel-Based Instruments.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 480 Multiwell Plate 384, white High-performance reaction device, tailor-made for the LightCycler ® 480 and LightCycler ® PRO Instruments, 384-well version. LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates 384, white, are full-skirted, white polypropylene reaction devices supplied with a barcode label. Their dimensions (inner/outer well geometry) and material are designed to achieve optimized assay conditions with the LightCycler® 480 Instrument, 384-well, for reaction volumes from 3 to 20 μl (for manual pipetting 5 to 20μl are recommended).

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 8-Tube Strips (white) Disposable 8-Tube Strips for the LightCycler ® 96 Instrument, LightCycler ® 480 and LightCycler ® PRO Instrument. LightCycler® 8-Tube Strips (white) are reaction devices exactly matching the LightCycler® 96 Instrument block geometry for optimal heat transfer.The strips can also be used on the LightCycler® 480 instrument in combination with the LightCycler® 8-Tube Strip Adapter Plate.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® Red 640-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester Hydroxysuccinimide ester for labeling the 5' amino terminus of oligonucleotides with LightCycler® Red 640.

LSR For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® 480 Block Kit 384 Silver Easily interchangeable 384-well thermal block cycler unit for the LightCycler ® 480 Instrument. The LightCycler® 480 Instrument is a versatile and customizable PCR device, allowing the use of different, easily interchangeable thermal block cycler units (96-well and 384-well format). The LightCycler® 480 thermal block cycler unit is provided in a storage box which protects the accessory from damage that could occur during transport. The storage box contains the thermal block cycler unit assembled together with the block lid, inside the block cycler loading device.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 8-Tube Strip Adapter Plate The adapter plate is for use with the LightCycler® PRO or LightCycler® 480 Systems, and the LightCycler® 8-Tube Strips (white).

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® 480 Multiwell Plate 96, white High-performance reaction device tailor-made for the LightCycler ® 96 Instrument and the LightCycler ® 480 and LightCycler ® PRO Instruments, 96-well version. LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates 96, white, are half-skirted, white polypropylene reaction devices supplied with a barcode label. Their dimensions (inner/outer well geometry) and material are designed to achieve optimized assay conditions on the LightCycler® 480 Instrument, 96-well, for reaction volumes from 10 to 100 μl, and the LightCycler® 96 Instrument, for reaction volumes from 10 to 50 μl.

GLU For general laboratory use.

FastStart Essential DNA Green Master

FastStart Essential DNA Green Master FastStart Essential DNA Green Master is a ready-to-use reaction mix using the SYBR Green I detection format on the LightCycler® PRO and the LightCycler® 96 Instrument. It is used to for hot-start PCR in 8-Tube Strips or multiwell plates. Hot-start PCR significantly improves the specificity and sensitivity of PCR by minimizing the formation of nonspecific amplification products at the beginning of the reaction.

GLU For general laboratory use.

DNA Process Control Kit

DNA Process Control Kit The DNA Process Control Kit contains a nuclease-resistant DNA that can be added at various steps during the nucleic acid purification of DNA detection workflows. Successful detection of this control DNA serves as a positive control, verifying the functionality of the DNA purification as well as the detection using quantitative PCR (qPCR). It also contains the LightCycler® Multiplex DNA Master optimized for multiplex reactions, ensuring performance for up to 6 targets plus the internal process control.

GLU For general laboratory use.

RealTime ready RNA Virus Master

RealTime ready RNA Virus Master The RealTime ready RNA Virus Master is designed for fast, high sensitive and specific real-time one-step RT-PCR analysis of viral RNA.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® RNA Amplification Kit HybProbe Easy-to-use Reaction Mix for One-Step RT-PCR, using HybProbe probes with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® FastStart DNA Master PLUS HybProbe LightCycler® FastStart DNA MasterPLUS HybProbe is designed for PCR applications using the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System. The kit is ideally suited for hot start PCR applications.The kit can also be used in conjunction with heat-labile Uracil-DNA Glycosylase to prevent carryover contamination during PCR.

GLU For general laboratory use.

LightCycler ® RNA Master HybProbe Easy-to-use Reaction Mix for One-Step RT-PCR, using HybProbe probes with the LightCycler® Carousel-Based System.

RUO For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

LightCycler ® HSV 1/2 Detection Kit Kit for the detection and differentiation of Herpes simplex virus type 1 and Herpes simplex virus type 2 DNA in research samples, using the LightCycler ® Instrument. The LightCycler® HSV 1/2 Detection Kit provides primers and Hybridization Probes necessary for amplification and specific detection of HSV 1 and HSV 2, as well as, a control template DNA for reliable interpretation of results.The components of the kit are designed for detection and differentiation of HSV 1 and 2 with minimal handling steps. The enzyme components for amplification, buffers and control template are supplied as ready-to-use mixes.To ensure maximum reliability of the kit, the Internal Control (IC) will prevent misinterpretation of false negative results caused by inhibition of the amplification or caused by inefficient extraction. The IC is designed to be amplified with the same primers as the HSV DNA. The IC is detected in channel F3, whereas the HSV 1/2 DNA is detected in channel F2. The IC is spiked into the sample in a low concentration, in order not to decrease the dynamic range of the PCR reaction. In a HSV 1/2 negative sample, the IC must be positive to exclude inhibition or insufficient extraction. In HSV 1/2 DNA positive samples, the Internal Control may give a negative result.The kit allows the detection and differentiation of 48 samples in an average run size of 12 samples, including all the necessary reagents for running 2 positive control and 1 negative control reactions per run (64 reactions).Extraction reagents are not included in the kit.To ensure efficient and reliable detection/diffentiation of HSV 1/2 viral DNA, it is recommended to combine the LightCycler® HSV 1/2 Detection Kit with a standardized and automated extraction system, such as the MagNA Pure LC Instrument.Note: The LightCycler® HSV 1/2 Detection Kit was designed for use with the LightCycler® Instrument, and the performance can be guaranteed on the LightCycler® Instrument only.